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2023 Parafest 8 Line Up

Dustin Pari

John E.L. Tenney

Rick Waid

Daniel Klaes

Tim Maile

Brian Danhausen

Bill Konkolesky

Todd Clements

Chris Struble

Bumps in the Night Paranormal 

Dustin Pari-

Ghost Hunters/GHI

Motivational Speaker

Bio soon-

John E.L. Tenney

Anomalistic / Conspiratorial / Occult Researcher, Lecturer and Author 

John Tenney is one of the most well-recognized and highly sought-after investigators of UFO, Paranormal and Occult phenomena in the world. Mr. Tenney has been actively involved in the field of anomalistic, conspiratorial, occult, UFOlogical, and paranormal research for well over three decades. It is estimated that, throughout the past 30 years, more than 150,000 people have specifically attended one of John’s signature “Weird Lectures.” John E.L. Tenney’s columns and articles have been printed in magazines and newspapers world-wide. Due to his extended time involved in paranormal research he has acted as a consult for numerous companies including, but not limited to: NBC, ABC, A&E, Fox, SyFy, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal. He has worked on numerous television shows including Unsolved Mysteries, Sightings, Very Scary Stories, Paranormal State: The New Class, Ghost Stalkers and Paranormal Lockdown, Hellier and Kindred Spirits.

Considered by many to be an invaluable resource for information about anything and everything weird John has been utilized by countless other researchers, scholars, authors and media companies in creating a wider, weirder and more well-informed world.

The author of over a dozen books, Mr. Tenney has also been interviewed extensively on radio and television worldwide. Mr. Tenney has created and hosted the podcasts “Reel Lost” and “Realm of the Weird” which Real Detroit Weekly awarded, across multiple years, “Detroit’s Best Podcast”. More recently he co-hosts the fan favorite podcast “What’s Up Weirdo?”

Aside from his time investigating unusual phenomena John is also an accomplished painter, musician and humorist. As a musician John has performed with musical acts such as Social Distortion, Agent Orange and Kid Rock. His paintings can be found on display throughout the country and have been featured at numerous art openings across America. In 2008 Tenney started his first comedy podcast The Oddist, which won Best Podcast in Detroit in 2010. Since that time he has created and appeared on a number of other comedic podcasts including The Big Ones, Webcrawlers and Last Podcast on the Left. He still, indiscriminately, performs stand-up comedy in and around Detroit.

                                        Seen on:

“A Renaissance man whose eclecticism and open-mindedness have gained him a broad degree of recognition and respect”

– Real Detroit Weekly

Daniel Klaes-

Haunted Hinsdale House

Daniel Klaes has had a lifelong interest in the paranormal. Much of his curiosity stems from his experiences living in a haunted house. These encounters with unusual phenomena caused him to push the boundaries of his own belief system. In fact later Dan later purchased his family’s home and has grown comfortable with his unseen guests.


Tim Maile-

Investigator, Fox Cities Paranormal Team

Pawtographs for Pooches

In January 2008 I helped found Fox Cities Paranormal Team and cannot believe how far we have come as a group. This journey all started when I bought a home in Oshkosh back in October 2006. Within weeks I was experiencing footsteps, voices, and shadows. Having never dealt with the paranormal it had me concerned. I came across some paranormal television sh​ows and tried to contact teams in my area. I couldn't get a return email and decided to educate myself on the subject. Over a year later, more 

comfortable with the paranormal I decided that I would try to help others who were having the same issues that I had. In the last 11 years, some amazing things have happened, and I have had the good fortune to meet many great people in this field. It was an invite to the 2009 Ohio Paranormal Convention that provide​d me with the confidence that we as a team were doing a good thing. I listened and learned from some of the most respected people in the field that weekend and came home with a sense of purpose. 

Through that one weekend so many doors opened up for the team and I. I have spoken at many conferences around the country and into Canada. I have led my team on more than 200 residential investigations to date. Along the way I have met some incredible people and made some great friends. I have been consulted by teams that are just starting up. It is an honor to help young teams get better and learn some new techniques. I feel that we are all in this field together and we all reflect on one another, so helping younger teams is necessary to advance the field. Most importantly, we have had the privilege to help dozens of families throughout Wisconsin. It is my hope that we as a group can help people deal with their paranormal experiences. I hope we can further the field of paranormal studies and help bring answers to the people who really need them.

Rick Waid-

Seer, Remote Viewer, past life reader

Rick Waid is a seer, remote viewer and passed loved one reader. He was born with gifts that he did not realize he had until his late-30's. Rick Waid began to connect with the other side through electronic voice phenomena, and he started having visions and hearing his spirit guides. As his gift progressed, he was able to remote view and see places he had never been before.

Bill konkolesky

MUFON-Michigan chapter Director

Bill Konkolesky has been State Director for the Michigan Chapter of the Mutual UFO Network since 2004. He has also appeared in ABC's "Seeing is Believing," Netflix's "Unsolved Mysteries," Amazon Prime's "America's Alien Invasion," SyFy Channel's "Abduction Diaries" and served as a consultant to the History Channel’s “Hangar 1” and “UFO Hunters,” National Geographic Channel's "The Truth Behind," as well as the Science Channel’s “Uncovering Aliens” and “Close Encounters.”

Todd Clements-

Haunted Mackinaw Tours

Brian Danhausen

.Brian Danhausen is an artist, author, radio host and Paranormal Investigator. He lives in Michigan with his wife Darlene and he is the father of two children. Brian has been dealing with the paranormal for most of his life. He has also been an artist for all of his life as well. He is the owner of The Final Nail (art company), he is also the author of 2 books: Into The AfterLife : Paranormal World Into The AfterLife: A guide Into Paranormal Investigations. He also has contributions in the book Haunted Prisons and a short story in the book, Krampus, The UnHolly King. Brian has just released Strange Tales From The Unknown...which is a collection of short, fiction, horror stories...with a second volume in the works and he is currently working on the third book for the AfterLife series and a book about his teachings on his path in 

Witchcraft. Brian is also the Founder of the paranormal team...Into The AfterLife Paranormal, which he has been running with my wife for several years.

He is also a medium. He has had several encounters with the dead that he has written about and has sketched most of them in his books. Brian is also the Host and creator of a podcast called The Paranormal POP...where they mix the paranormal and pop culture topics. Brian has done several lectures on the paranormal...including conventions, libraries, events at haunted locations and schools.

Chris Struble-

Petoskey Ghost Walk Tours / Historian

Meet the crew

John Cassidy-

Medium / Investigator

Co-founder of Bumps in the Night Paranormal Research

and Little Traverse Bay Parafest

Growing up John would often see things or hear things he didn't understand and would pass it off as imagination. It wasn't until the late 90's when he really started thinking about it after his first "read" of a friend. It was much different than anything he has experienced before. This is when he began to research ghosts and spirit. He learned from his mother that John's Grandmother was very spiritual and was a Medium and Psychic. Over the years he was able to begin to tune his ability and learned he could provide help for people and give them messages from the other side. John has also helped many with his Empathic abilities by being able to feel the emotions and feelings they feel and helped them move past situations that hold them back in life.

Jackie Cassidy -

Investigator, Researcher

Co-founder -

Bumps in the Night Paranormal Research.

and Little Travesre Bay Parafest

Jackie was born and raised in Norther Michigan. She started researching the paranormal after her husband John had an experience that took them both by surprise. With the rest of the Bumps in the Night Paranormal team Jackie has worked many cases and investigated all over the country. She loves helping clients find answers to their paranormal problems.

Jackie has been featured in many publications

Dark Matters News online magazine with Kelly Smith

Michigan Paranormal Magazine

Grimstone Gazette

Northern Express weekly

The Graphic

Weekly Choice Publication

Petoskey News Review

and many local news papers

And an appearance on TLC's American Choppers

Stacey Fettig-


Born and raised in Michigan Stacey gre up with an interest in the Paranormal. After meeting the Bumps crew at an event she became a member and has been a great asset to the group with her skills in research and equipment and a great ability to interview clients. 

Teri Manthei-


Teri was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. Teri moved to Michigan with her family. In 2001 she began working as an EMT. While at the EMS company Teri met John and Jackie Cassidy who had just recently formed Bumps In The Night Paranormal Research Group. Teri had a strong interest in the paranormal field so she joined the group. She has been on many paranormal investigations with Bumps In The Night and is looking forward to investigating more of the reportedly haunted locations throughout Michigan and its surrounding states.

Brooke Reeves-


Brooke is a life long Northern Michigan resident. She has a long time interest in the paranormal and met the team at a local event. She has since put her self out there as a great investigator and researcher. She has a great sense for the use of equipment, especially EVPs and audio and also interviewing skills.

Amber White


Brian Johnson

Sarah Johnson

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